Tuesday 5 August 2008

Juniper Order Ranger

original picture

Without any doubt, Frank Frazetta is one of the artists I would love to see working for Magic TG, and overall, one of my favorite fantasy artists. This is the first of a series I will like to create featuring this artist.
Juniper Order Ranger recently appeard in a combo standard deck I quite liked, and sadly, it'll soon rotate out of standard with the appearance of Eventide. I don't see him being playing in nothing else but standard, so I've created this version to give him an honorable farewell.
Given his ability, and how quickly it grows to immeasurable power, I though that he deserved a more warrior looking intimidating aspect... and here it goes! and yeah, I also thought that a polar bear driven charriot was also muuuuch cooler than a giant goat :-/
What do you think? Please comment!

Original Juniper Order Ranger Artist: Greg Hildebrandt
Original Alternative Illustration Artist: Frank Frazetta

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