Friday 8 August 2008

Black Knight

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Taking up again the subject of Knights (see the previous Blood Knight below), I've versioned this time the Black Knight. Most of the times, I always find a place for these type of cheap knights in my decks; they have an excellent cost/quality ratio, and I also like a lot how they feel in play.
It's a real pity for me that the Black and White knights have been replaced by other creatures in standard (In fact, they haven't even been reprinted since a long time ago). I guess this is just a nostalgic feeling, because with so much tribal decks, I don't think they'll have a place on standard these days.
And here's my version of this old classic, the Black Knight (or should I say Dark Knight?) with Batman featuring him. What do you guys think? Please comment!

PD: I wonder if someone already realized that I'm a big fan of comics too :-P

Original Black Knight Artist: Jeff A. Menges
Original Alternative Batman Illustration Artist: Silvestri

Thursday 7 August 2008

Prodigal Pyromancer

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Back in the days, in my area of playing we used to call Prodigal Sorcerers (and that kind of creatures) 'gunslingers'. I even remember when I did, just for fun, a deck with 4 Prodigal Sorcerers, 4 Rootwater Hunter, 4 Suq'Ata Firewalker, 4 Zuran Spellcaster and 4 Pirate Ship and a lot of counters :D. Sure the deck wasn't competitive... but it was a lot of fun! It felt like Far West reached Magic TG.
These days I'm reading the "The Dark Tower" comic book saga (very recommended), and this idea came to my mind. I hope you like it! Please comment!

Original Prodigal Pyromancer Artist: Jeremy Jarvis
Original The Dark Tower Illustration Artist: Marvel - Jae Lee & Richard Isanove

Tuesday 5 August 2008

Juniper Order Ranger

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Without any doubt, Frank Frazetta is one of the artists I would love to see working for Magic TG, and overall, one of my favorite fantasy artists. This is the first of a series I will like to create featuring this artist.
Juniper Order Ranger recently appeard in a combo standard deck I quite liked, and sadly, it'll soon rotate out of standard with the appearance of Eventide. I don't see him being playing in nothing else but standard, so I've created this version to give him an honorable farewell.
Given his ability, and how quickly it grows to immeasurable power, I though that he deserved a more warrior looking intimidating aspect... and here it goes! and yeah, I also thought that a polar bear driven charriot was also muuuuch cooler than a giant goat :-/
What do you think? Please comment!

Original Juniper Order Ranger Artist: Greg Hildebrandt
Original Alternative Illustration Artist: Frank Frazetta

Saturday 2 August 2008

Darksteel Colossus

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This time for the first artifact of my custom cards. Darksteel Colossus is one of the most artifact creatures being played in Vintage right now. I like a lot original Carl Critchlow's art, but one thing I think it lacks is a reference to his size. You can't really perceive how big is the colossus in comparison to something.
As an avid videogamer too, I think the coolest colossus I've ever seen have been in the mythical and completely awesome game Shadow of the Colossus by SCE.
In honor in both, the card and the videogame, here's a TRUE colosssus. What do you think?

Original Darksteel Colossus Artist: Carl Critchlow
Original Shadow of the Colossus Artist: Sony Computer Entertainment

Friday 1 August 2008

Blood Knight

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I remember back in the days when the people used to play 4 Black Knight or 4 White Knight. Those cards where quite good back at that time, and with the arrival of Planar Chaos (I love that expansion), the red version arrived: the Blood Knight.
I really like the original art done by Matt Cavotta, but I somehow imagine Blood Knight as a more bloody warrior (duh), more savage, gore, primal... more viking style; someone that will make his opponents piss their pants off just by hearing him galloping in the distance.
So what do you think?

Original Blood Knight Artist: Matt Cavotta
Original Alternative Illustration Artist: Alexei Samokhin