Saturday 30 July 2011

Grave Titan

version A

version B

I've chosen a new M12 card that is getting a bit of buzz these days that I particularly like in concept. Here I leave two different versions, please vote your favorite!

Original picture

Original Grave Titan artist: Nils Hamm
Version A illustration artist: Andrei Pervukhin
Version B illustration artist: Per Haagensen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

my personal fave was A version...

it depicts more 'action' and dramatization to the Grave titan flavor text: death in form and function,

which showing its progress in creating the massive Undead legion by plucking his victims carefully...

i imagine the background was somewhere bellow the graveyards. rather than the original version in the sewer..

and his reptilian form, although it doesn't suits well to the flavor of humanoid i still can tolerate that and somewhat it can add the sinister theme of the giants