Thursday 31 July 2008


original picture

Faeries decks completely overbooked the standard format a couple of months ago. Still, this is one of the most seeked for cards at the moment. First of all, I have to say that Rebecca Guay is one of my favorite artists in Magic TG. She's been delighting us with her work since 1996 in Alliances with a unique style, and this time it has been really hard to introduce a new concept for Bitterblossom.
The fact is that when I think about faeries, I almost do it the same way I do for mermaids: beautiful, wonderful and charming... to just finish you off when you're thinking about rainbows and hapiness :). So here's my version of Bitterblossom with a bit more charming faeries. What do you think?

Original Bitterblossom Artist: Rebecca Guay
Original Faeries Illustration Artist: Antgerm


Unknown said...

wow ... just, wow. if only this modified card were for sale, i'd pay a pretty penny :-D

Unknown said...

It's not her artwork, It was done by Artgerm.