Thursday 31 July 2008


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Faeries decks completely overbooked the standard format a couple of months ago. Still, this is one of the most seeked for cards at the moment. First of all, I have to say that Rebecca Guay is one of my favorite artists in Magic TG. She's been delighting us with her work since 1996 in Alliances with a unique style, and this time it has been really hard to introduce a new concept for Bitterblossom.
The fact is that when I think about faeries, I almost do it the same way I do for mermaids: beautiful, wonderful and charming... to just finish you off when you're thinking about rainbows and hapiness :). So here's my version of Bitterblossom with a bit more charming faeries. What do you think?

Original Bitterblossom Artist: Rebecca Guay
Original Faeries Illustration Artist: Antgerm

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Chameleon Colossus

I've been having this concept for over a week already, and although I had the idea very clear in my mind, it was pretty tough to find an illustration that fit it. So there we go, two possibilities but only one winner :). This time is up to you guys which one prevails. Please fill the survey to the right!

Intimidating Hulk:

Raging Hulk:

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So, first time I looked at the Chameleon Colossus original art, I saw something pretty huge (colossal :D) and green!... come on, it came to my mind in about 2,79 seconds... nothing better than HULK to feature something green and colossal :), and it also shapeshifts!! (Bruce Banner - Hulk). Just another of those 'fits perfectly' concepts.
But which one do you prefer? I like the first one because of the intimidating and powerful stance, covering the whole space because of his colossal size; but I also like the second one because of the destructive and raging feeling.

Please vote!

Original Chameleon Colossus Artist: Darrell Riche
Original Intimitating Hulk Illustration Artist: Marvel
Original Raging Hulk Illustration Artist: Marvel

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Lord of Atlantis

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I started playing Magic 11 years ago. One of the most mythical creatures I had back at that moment was Lord of Atlantis. It was one of the few Lords of 3rd edition (together with the Goblin Lord and Lord of the Pit if I remember correctly).
I'm playing at the moment a standard Merfolks deck that I'm quite liking, and I couldn't resist making a tribute to Lord of Atlantis using one of the coolest creatures of World of Warcraft, the Murlocs.
I just love it. What do you think?

Original Lord of Atlantis Artist: Melissa A. Benson
Original Murloc Illustration Artist: Dan Scott

Monday 28 July 2008

Flame Javelin

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Another custom card for my Hellboy deck. When I looked at the Flame Javelin, I realized the original artist pictured it as some type of Kamehameha or an Energy Beam and, who performs the most powerful energy beams??? Cyclops!!! so there he goes... blasting everything for just 3 red manas :).

Original Flame Javelin Artist: Trevor Hairsine
Original Cyclops Illustration Artist: X-Men Legends II Rise of Apocalypse Videogame

Sunday 27 July 2008

Demigod of Revenge

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These days I've been playing around a deck that I'm calling "Hellboy". It's basically built around 'Demigod of Revenge'. I really like this creature, almost as much as I do with Hellboy comics :). I was thinking around the concept of the card, and the idea of the Demigod of Revenge being Hellboy just seemed so perfect that I had to make this version. Definitely, the ultimate Demigod of Revenge...

Original Demigod of Revenge Artist: Jim Murray
Original Hellboy Illustration Artist: Unknown